This journey begins with a mother’s love for her daughter…

Heather was diagnosed with High-Functioning Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome just shy of her 13th Birthday. Not long after, her mother, Tami, watched her daughter spiral out of control medically and educationally until she found an occupational therapist who explained how Heather’s Sensory Processing Disorder impacted the Autism.

Knowing that having the right support is key not only to the development of children on the Autism Spectrum, but also to the well-being of their parents, Tami began to tirelessly educate herself in the sciences of: Behavioral Health, Child Psychology, Human Anatomy, Occupational Health, Pharmacology, Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork and has been a parent advocate for her daughter since 1997.

Together mother and daughter learned from their OT how a Sensory Diet, CranioSacral Therapy , and Bio-Medical Therapies  can lead to Functioning Recovery. Tami navigated the public school environment and the medical community to get the right support for Heather, who overcame many obstacles. Tami uses this personal experience, extensive knowledge, and dedication to help others learn about and understand the medical and educational aspects of Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorders and SPD. Knowing there is no one-size-fits-all trick, Tami shares her recommendations for other parents as she tells the story of Heather’s Coming Through The Fog.
