Book Spotlight: IELTS Speaking Test Guide by D. Nkwetato Tamonkia

The difficulty of speaking fluently
The lack of a good variety of words, phrases and sentences to express ideas.
The challenge of understanding questions asked by the native English speaking examiner.
The difficulty of managing the short time within which the candidate is expected to understand, organize ideas and produce correct answers to questions asked.
The uneasiness of facing a native speaker of a language for about 15 minutes alone in a room.
This book attempts to solve these challenges to some extent in the following ways:
Providing words and phrases candidates can use to enhance fluency when speaking.
Providing an elaborate list of words and sentences grouped under various topics that frequently appear in the test.
The audio file available in the book gives the candidate an idea of how the examiner will sound in terms of accent.
Time management is discussed in details in the book with a break down analysis of average time frames for questions in each of the sections of the speaking test. Candidates preparing for the test are encouraged to time and record themselves as they practice answering sample questions given in the book. This is the best way for candidates to practice time management.
Elaborate advice is provided on how candidates can maintain calm and good composure while in the test room with the examiner.
The book is written by a veteran ESL teacher who has been preparing students for IELTS since 1998. With extensive knowledge of the specific problems candidates face, he presents the material in a step-by-step style making it easy for any one using the book to find answers to specific spoken English problems.
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